Arini aku tetibe rase nk buat post ni pasal kedai gambar. Mesti korg tau kan ape kedai gambar? Adobe Photoshop. Sape2 yg tatau lg silelah wiki. Essentially, photoshop ni adelah graphic editing software that has a very good reputation in its field. Malah beliau sgt sesuai digunekan oleh wannabe2 mcm aku ni mahupon pro2 yg swaktu dgnnye utk buat effect on any photos or pictures dlm komputer.
Kalo korg prasan ar, sume org gune istilah photoshop as a verb utk menyatakan aktivitas mengedit gambar. Cth ayat yg sering digunekan adelah "Eh Zalie Penjualburger, lawa ar gambar ni. Ko fotosop er? Masamaun btol"
Haaa. Sebagaimana yg aku mention dlm 1st post aku, this blog will also bring photoshop tutorial. Sape2 yg berminat nk blaja basic photoshop bleh ar :) sbb aku pon takde ar pro sgt. Intermediate pon tak tentu lg. Tp aku share ar ape yg aku tau. btw, aku gune photoshop CS2 sahaje. CS3 and 4 supposedly almost the same je. Pepandai ar idop. Aku pnye tutorial ni random ar, so kalau ade request just tell me and aku try buat tutorial kalau aku tau.
Ape2 pon, basic things about photoshop that everybody needs to know dlm photoshop adelah:
- Layer
- Selection
- Tool bar
- Blending option
- Free transform
- Filter (effects)
Okeh. Kali ni aku nk tunjuk guane nk buat Text Reflection: Bayang2 yg menunjukkan text tu ada atas permukaan licin dan berkilat.
[caption id="attachment_39" align="aligncenter" width="497" caption="Najmi best"]
How to make it:
1) Create a new window:
File > New > Width 8.5 , Height 11, Resolution 72 (This is my preference. Feel free to change) > OK
2) Make your background:
Select the background layer > Make a gradient or fill with a color
3) Write the text
Use text tool > Make a range box with the tool to start writing > for god sake, write something!
Make sure you pick a color that is very contrast to the background so the reflection can be clearer.
4) Duplicate and flip the text
Right click on your text layer > Duplicate layer > Select the new layer (reflection) > Edit > Transform > Flip vertical > Use "move tool" tto position your reflection text using your mouse or keyboard.
This is your "Reflection" layer.
5) Adjusting the gradient
Right click on the "Reflection layer" > Blending option > Gradient overlay (not just check mark, select the whole thing so you can change the setting) > Click on the gradient panel (a gradient editor window will pop up) > Adjust the gradient panel (below smoothness) until you get the best gradient.
*To make a good reflection, make sure the bottom half of the reflection text blends with the floor.
6) Crop your image
Use "Crop tool" to select only the portion of the whole window you want to save as image > Right click on the image > Crop > SAVE!
Hopefully you guys understand and enjoy making it. It's fun trust me :D
nk donlod game kat mane ah? bosan ah kehidupan.
ReplyDeletepergh...sjak ble ko dh power main photoshop ni...
ReplyDeletebkn dlu kt skolah ko blank2 ke blaja ngn aq.haha
haha wei ko pun dah gune masamaun as a verb.
ReplyDeletebiasak ar. hidup mesti maju