Byk post2 sblom ni yg aku gelabah pasal hala tuju & ketidaktentuan masa depan. Alhamdulillah video ni byk memperingatkan aku tentang arah sebenar kite sume. Thought it might move you too:
Byk sbnanye nikmat yg aku slalu lupe. Islam, iman, life, and everything in it. Let us be more thankful for them =)
Dah nk kawen pon. Still byk lg yg kne diperbaiki. Hopefully I'll be a good family and public leader who can bring them towards the ultimate direction.
Jangan bersedih, sesungguhnya Allah bersama kita.
Let's us achieve big here and there in the afterlife. Ameen :)
Sekadar perkongsian.